Painting with Words
Featured writing
Moon Water
Song Upon a Swing
My daughter was nearly four when she first discovered the thrill of swinging on her own—especially in the summer rain of her joyful garden.
Flight Pattern
A small ant scurries across a scrap of a piece of fake-blue plastic, a remnant from a yogurt container. The blue stands out among the other colors that surround the cedar bench on which I sit. I am a seasoned warrior in the Million Mile Club, which means my visits to the airport lounge are frequent and free. But it’s not easy. I have been advised to find quiet time. I’m not about to quit, so I come here to turn the engines off and get my prescription filled.
What I Miss
He touches down two feet away to look at me with one eye, then snatches
War Fades a Melody
The War had made strangers of all inhabitants of the quarter. No longer seen, the friendly nods of the shopkeepers along the rue de Simone. Desolately, even the florists were gone. Flowers had become extraneous and unaffordable, even for those who had to bury their sons. The bakers were gone too.
Words To Live By
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back– Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
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